
Pinto, S.; Ossmane, E.; Carvalho, L (2020) Implementing Academic Business Incubators: Reflections and Best Practices of a Portuguese Case Study, in Dantas. J.; Carvalho, L. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Approaches to Alternative Entrepreneurship Opportunities, Hershey: IGI Global, 1-45. 


Pinto, S., Ossmane, E. S., & Carvalho, L. C. (2021). Implementing Acceleration Programs: Reflections for Academic Business Incubators Through a Portuguese Case Study. In T. Costa, I. Lisboa, & N. Teixeira (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Reinventing Economies and Organizations Following a Global Health Crisis (pp. 34-60). IGI Global.

DOI: http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-6926-9.ch003

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